Best Practice

Scotch Plains Mayor Joins Facility Groundbreaking for Newmark School

The Newmark School is opening a new facility in Scotch Plains and the groundbreaking brought local leaders, school administrators and students together. In addition to expanding Newmark's educational capacity, the facility will allow it to reach out to the broader special needs population, the community and educators throughout the state.

By |2014-05-03T19:18:42-04:00March 9th, 2012|Best Practice, Government Relations, Public Relations|Comments Off on Scotch Plains Mayor Joins Facility Groundbreaking for Newmark School

Children’s Institute Hosts “Autism and the Law: Special Education Issues for Preschool and Elementary Years” Lecture

The Childrens' Institute in Verona is hosting an educational forum on Autism and the Law. The speaker for the event is Evelina Padilla, Esq., an attorney with experience in special education.

By |2014-05-03T19:19:00-04:00March 1st, 2012|Best Practice, Public Relations|Comments Off on Children’s Institute Hosts “Autism and the Law: Special Education Issues for Preschool and Elementary Years” Lecture

More districts bringing special ed in house

The rise of public school special education programs for children with disabilities have sparked worries among parents, special-needs advocates and private school administrators who assert the districts are motivated primarily by money and cannot provide the services the children need.

By |2014-05-03T19:19:59-04:00November 8th, 2011|Best Practice, Public Relations|Comments Off on More districts bringing special ed in house
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