Legislative Victory: A-2180 Signed Into Law
Governor Murphy signed A-2180 into law, allowing Type S school buses to be driven without a Commercial Driver’s License.
Governor Murphy signed A-2180 into law, allowing Type S school buses to be driven without a Commercial Driver’s License.
Since 1998 ASAH has annually collected data to examine the outcomes for students who exit its member schools. This post contains data from the most recent outcomes study covering the 2021-22 academic year.
The CDC has underscored the need for schools to open and has issued new guidance. "To enable schools to open safely and remain open, it is important to adopt and consistently implement actions to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2 both in schools and in the community.”
ASAH joined scores of New Jersey and national parent advocacy organizations in its strong support of the vital role of non-attorney advocates in special education matters.
Now you can find ASAH Member events - open to the public - in our new ASAH Member Events calendar. Find private special education school open house events, workshops, seminars and more in one place.
Since 2004, the UPS Foundation has been helping New Jersey Elks Developmental Disabilities Agency (NJEDDA) to purchase equipment for the school’s Assistive Technology Lab. Partnerships with foundations and donors open the doors to new opportunities for students with complex needs.
Please join us for ASAH’s 2nd Annual Business Office/Human Resources one-day Symposium with workshop sessions geared towards Business Office and Human Resources personnel of New Jersey Private Special Education Schools. This is a great opportunity to network with your PSSD peers!
A big shout out to thank our partners at New Jersey School Boards Association for publishing a great article about Special Education Week and the winners of the 2017 Innovations in Special Education Awards on their website.
Matheny School at Matheny Medical and Educational Center will host its fourth parent workshop on April 27th about wheelchair transportation safety. School Safety, Wheel Chair [...]
Friday, March 6th, 2015, 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Sheraton Hotel 6 Industrial Way East (Route 35) Eatontown, New Jersey 07724 Click here for full [...]